
What Ufora Can Optimize and What it Can't

Compilation and Parallelism

The Ufora VM performs two kinds of optimization: JIT compilation, which ensures that single-threaded code is fast, and automatic parallelization, which ensures that you can use many cores at once. In both cases, our goal is to get as close as possible to the performance one can achieve using C with hand-crafted parallelism. However, as any programming model, there are multiple ways to write the same program and these may have different performance characteristics. This section will help you understand what the Ufora VM can optimize and what it can’t.

Generally speaking, there’s a lot of overhead for invoking Ufora, since it has to compile your code, and has overhead shipping objects to the server. Don’t expect Ufora to speed up things that are already pretty fast (e.g. less than a second or two).

For achieving maximum single-threaded code, the main takeaways are:

  • Numerical calculations involving ints and floats are super fast - very close to what you can get with C.
  • There is no penalty for using higher-order functions, yield, classes, etc. Ufora can usually optimize it all away.
  • Repeatedly assigning to a variable in a way that causes it to assume many different types will caues a slow-down in code compilation. Avoid repeatedly assigning different types to one variable in a loop. Similarly, for x in someList: might be slow if the types in someList are heterogeneous.
  • Tuples with a structure that is stable throughout your program (e.g. they always have three elements) will be very fast.
  • Tuples where the number of elements varies with program data will be slow - use lists for this.
  • Lists prefer to be homogenously typed - e.g. a list with only floats in it will be faster to access than a list with floats and ints.
  • There is more overhead for using a list in Ufora than in CPython - prefer a few large lists to a lot of small lists. 1
  • Deeply nested lists of lists may be slow. 1
  • Dictionaries are slow. 1
  • Strings are fast.

For achieving maximum parallelism, know these principles:

  • Ufora parallelizes within stackframes - if you write f(g(), h()), Ufora will be able to run g() and h() in parallel.
  • Parallel calls within parallel calls work.
  • List comprehensions, xrange, sum, are parallel out of the box.
  • Ufora parallelizes adaptively - it won’t be triggered if all the cores in the system are saturated.
  • Ufora won’t currently parallelize for and while loops.
  • Passing generator expressions into ‘sum’ or other parallelizable algorithms parallelizes.
  • Large lists have a strong performance preference for “cache local” access.

The Ufora JIT Compiler

The Basic Behavior of the JIT

The Ufora JIT compiler optimizes the code your program spends the most time in. So, for instance, if you write

def loopSum(x):
    result = 0.0
    while x > 0:
        result = result + x
        x = x - 1
    return result
print loopSum(1000000000)

the Ufora VM will notice that your program is spending a huge amount of time in the while loop and produce a fast machine-code version of it in which x and result are held in registers (as 64 bit integer and floats, respectively). We generate machine code using the excellent and widely-used llvm project. In simple numerical programs, you’ll end up with the same code you’d get from a good C++ compiler. Today, these are table-stakes for all JIT compilers.

Use Higher-Order Functions, Classes, and other Language Constructs

Unlike most JIT compilers applied to dynamically typed languages, Ufora is designed to work well with higher-order functions and classes. In general, this is a thorny problem for any system attempting to speed up python because in regular python programs, it’s possible to modify class and instance methods during the execution of the program. This means that any generated code in tight loops has to check repeatedly to see whether some method call has changed 2. Because this is disabled in code running in Ufora, Ufora can agressively optimize away these checks, perform agressive function inlining, and generally perform a lot of the optimizations you see in compilers optimizing statically typed languages like C++ or Java. This allows you to refactor your code into classes and objects without paying a performance penalty.

This flexibility comes at a cost: the compiler generates new code for every combination of types and functions that the it sees. For instance, if you write

def loopSum(x, f):
    result = 0
    while x>0:
        result = result + f(x)
        x = x - 1
    return result

then the compiler will generate completely different code for loopSum(1000000, lambda x:x) and loopSum(1000000, lambda x:x*x) and both will be very fast. This extends to classes. For instance, if you write

class Add:
    def __init__(self, arg):
        self.arg = arg

    def __call__(self, x):
        return self.arg + x

class Mul:
    def __init__(self, arg):
        self.arg = arg

    def __call__(self, x):
        return self.arg * x

class Compose:
    def __init__(self, f, g):
        self.f = f
        self.g = g

    def __call__(self, x):
        return self.f(self.g(x))

you will get idential performance if you write loopSum(1000000, lambda x: x * 10.0 + 20.0) and loopSum(1000000, Compose(Mul(10.0), Add(20.0))) - they boil down to the same mathematical operations, and because Ufora doesn’t allow class methods to be modified, Ufora can reason about the code well enough to produce fast code.

Keep the Total Number of Type Combinations Small

The Ufora compiler operates by tracking all the distinct combinations of types it sees for all the variables in a given stackframe, and generating code for each combination. This means that code like

def typeExplosion(v):
    a = None
    b = None
    c = None
    for x in v:
        if x < 1:
            a = x
        elif x < 2:
            b = x
            c = x
    return (a,b,c)

could generate a lot of code. For instance, if ‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘c’ can all be None or an integer, you’ll end up with 8 copies of the loop. That by itself isn’t a problem, but if you keep adding variables, the total number of types grows exponentially - eventually, you’ll wind up waiting forever for the compiler to finish generating code.

Tuples as Structure

Speaking of ‘types’, Ufora considers function instances, class instances, and tuples to be “structural”. This means that the compiler will agressively track type information about the contents of these objects. So, for instance, lambda x: x + y is a different type if y is an integer or y is a float in the surrounding scope. Similarly, (x,y) tracks the type information of both x and y. This is one of the reasons that there is no penalty for putting values into objects or tuples - the Ufora compiler is tracking that type information the whole way through, so that (x,y)[0] is semantically equivalent to x regardless of what y is.

This is great until you start using tuples to represent data with a huge variety of structure, which can overwhelm the compiler. For instance,

def buildTuple(ct):
    res = ()
    for ix in xrange(ct):
        res = res + (ix,)
    return res
print buildTuple(100)

will produce a lot of code, because it will produce separate copies of the loop for the types “empty tuple”, “tuple of one integer”, “tuple of two integers”, …, “tuple of 99 integers”, etc.

Because of this, tuples should generally be used when their shape will be stable (e.g. producing a small number of types) over the course of the program and you want the compiler to be able to see it. 3

Note also that this means that if you have tuples with heterogeneous types and you index into the tuple with a non-constant index, you will generate slower code. This is because the compiler needs to generate a separate pathway for each possible resulting type. For instance, if you write

aTuple = (0.0, 1, "a string", lambda x:x)
functionCount = floatCount = 0

for ix in range(100):
    # pull an element out of the tuple - the compiler can't tell what
    # kind of element it is ahead of time
    val = aTuple[ix % len(aTuple)]

    if isinstance(val, type(lambda: None)):
        functionCount = functionCount + 1
    elif isinstance(val, float):
        floatCount = floatCount + 1

then the compiler will need to generate branch code at the aTuple[...] instruction. This will work, but will be slower than it would be if the tuple index could be known ahead of time.


Lists are designed to hold data that varies in structure. The compiler doesn’t attempt to track the types of the individual objects inside of a list. Specifically, that means that [1, 2.0] and [2.0, 1] have the same type - they’re both ‘list of int and float’, whereas (1, 2.0) and (2.0, 1) are different types.

Lists are fastest when they’re homogenous (e.g. entirely containing elements of the same type). This is because the Ufora VM can pack data elements very tightly (since they all have the same layout) and can generate very efficient lookup code. Lists with heterogenous types are still fast, but the more types there are, the more code the compiler needs to generate in order to work with them, so try to keep the total number of types small.

In general, lists have more overhead in Ufora than in CPython4. This is because lists are the primary “big data” structure for Ufora - a list can be enormous (up to terabytes of data), and the data structure that represents them is rather large and complex. So, if possible, try to structure your program so that you create a few bigger lists, rather than a lot of little lists.

One exception to this rule: if l is a list, the operation: l + [element] will be fast and Ufora will optimize away the creation of the intermediate list and be careful not to duplicate l unless absolutely necessary. This is the fastest way to build a list.

Large lists are cheap to concatenate - they’re held as a tree structure, so you don’t have to worry that each time you concatenate you’re making a copy.

Finally, avoid nesting lists deeply - this places a huge strain on the “big data” component of Ufora’s internal infrastructure.

Dictionaries and Strings

Dictionaries are currently very slow5. Don’t use them inside of loops.

Strings are fast. The Ufora string structure is 32 bytes, allowing the VM to pack any string of 30 characters or less into a data structure that doesn’t hit the memory manager. Indexing into strings is also fast. Strings may be as large as you like (if necessary, they’ll be split across machines).

Note that for strings that are under 100000 characters, string concatenation makes a copy, so you can accidentally get N^2 performance behavior if you write code where you are repeatedly concatenating a large string to a small string.


The Core Model of Parallelism in Ufora

Ufora exploits “dataflow” parallelism at the stack-frame level. Ufora operates by executing your code on a single thread and then periodically interrupting it and walking its stack. It looks at the flow of data within each stackframe to see whether there are upcoming calls to functions that it can schedule while the current call is executing.

For instance, if you write f(g(),h()), then while Ufora is executing the call to g(), it can see that you are going to execute h() next. If you have unsaturated cores, it will rewrite the stackframe to also call h() in parallel. When both calls return, it will resume and call f. You can think of this as fork-join parallelism where the forks are placed automatically.

As an example, the simple divide-and-conquer implementation of a “sum” function could be written as

def sum(a,b,f):
    if a >= b:
        return 0
    if a + 1 >= b:
        return f(a)

    mid = (a+b)/2

    return sum(a,mid,f) + sum(mid,b,f)

We can then write sum(0, 1000000000000, lambda x: x**0.5) and get a parallel implementation. This works because each call to sum contains two recursive calls to sum, and Ufora can see that these are independent.

Note that Ufora assumes that exceptions are rare - in the case of f(g(),h()), Ufora assumes that by default, g() is not going to throw an exception and that it can start working on h(). In the case where g() routinely throws exceptions, Ufora will start working on h() only to find that the work is not relevant. Some python idioms use exceptions for flow control: for instance, accessing an attribute and then catching AttributeError as a way of determining if an object meets an interface. In this case, make sure that you don’t have an expensive operation in between the attribute check and the catch block.

Nested Parallelism

This model of parallelism naturally allows for nested parallelism. For instance, sum(0,1000,lambda x: sum(0,x,lambda y:x*y)) will be parallel in both the outer sum but also in the inner sum. This is because Ufora doesn’t really distinguish between the two - it’s parallelizing stackframes, not algorithms.

Adaptive Parallelism

Ufora’s parallelism is adaptive and dynamic - it doesn’t know ahead of time how the workload is distributed across your functions. It operates by agressively splitting stackframes until cores are saturated, waiting for threads to finish, and then splitting additional threads.

This model is particularly effective when your functions have different runtimes depending on their input. For instance, consider

def isPrime(p):
    if p < 2: return 0
    x = 2
    while x*x <= p:
        if p%x == 0:
            return 1
        x = x + 1
    return 1

sum(isPrime(x) for x in xrange(10000000))

Calls to isPrime with large integers take a lot longer than calls to isPrime with small integers, because we have to divide so many more numbers into the large ones. Naively allocating chunks of the 10000000 range to cores will end up with some cores working while others finish their tasks early. Ufora can handle this because it sees the fine structure of parallelism available to sum and can repeatedly subdivide the larger ranges, keeping all the cores busy.

This technique works best when your tasks subdivide to a very granular level. In the case where you have a few subtasks with long sections of naturally single-threaded code, Ufora may not schedule those sections until partway through the calculation. You’ll get better performance if you can find a way to get the calculation to break down as finely as possible.

It’s also important to note that the Ufora VM doesn’t penalize you for writing your code in a parallel way. Ufora machine code is optimized for single-threaded execution - it’s only when there are unused cores and Ufora wants more tasks to work on that we split stackframes, in which case we pop the given stackframe out of native code and back into the interpreter.

The one caveat here is that function calls have stack-frame overhead. Code that’s optimized for maximum performance sometimes has conditions to switch it out of a recursive “parallelizable” form and into a loop. This is a tradeoff between single-threaded performance and parallelism granularity.

List Comprehensions and Sum are Parallel out of the Box

By default, list comprehensions like [isPrime(x) for x in xrange(10000000)] are parallel if the generator in the righthand side supports the __pyfora_generator__ parallelism model, which both xrange, and lists support out of the box.

Similarly, functions like sum are parallel if their argument supports the __pyfora_generator__ interface. Note that this subtly changes the semantics of sum: in standard python, sum(f(x) for x in xrange(4)) would be equivalent to


performing the addition operations linearly. In the parallel case, we have a tree structure:

(f(0)+f(1)) + (f(2)+f(3))

when addition is associative. Usually this produces the same results, but it’s not always true. For instance, roundoff errors in floating point arithmetic mean that floating point addition is not perfectly associative6. As this is a deviation from standard python, we plan to make it an optional feature in the future.

Loops are Sequential

Note that Ufora doesn’t try to parallelize across loops. The isPrime example above runs sequentially. In the future, we plan to implement loop unrolling so that if you write something like

res = None
for x in xrange(...):
    res = f(g(x), res)

if the calls to g are sufficiently expensive, we’ll be able to schedule those calls in parallel and then execute the naturally sequential calls to f as they complete. For the moment, however, assume that while and for loops are sequential (although functions inside them are all candidates for parallelism).

Lists Prefer Cache-Local Access

Lists are the basic building-block for “big data” in Ufora. A list that’s large enough will get split across multiple machines. Ufora organizes a list’s data into chunks of contiguous indices, where each chunk represents ~50-100 mb of data.

When one of your threads (in this context, a thread is just a collection of stackframes of python code that Ufora hasn’t decided to subdivide) indexes into a very large list and that data isn’t on the same machine as the thread, Ufora must decide what to do: a) move the thread to the data, or b) move the data to the thread? This is called a “cache miss.” Threads tend to be much smaller than 50 mb, so usually it will move the thread to the remote machine.

One of the unique characteristics of the Ufora runtime: it will simulate the execution of code in advance of its execution to predict cache misses and move data and threads accordingly. For example, if your thread starts accessing two different blocks in a list, and those two blocks are on different machines, that thread may end up bouncing back and forth between the two machines in a slow oscillatory pattern. Ufora can predict these access patterns and optimize the layout of blocks and threads to prevent this in advance.

All of this infrastructure is useless if you index randomly into very big lists (here, we mean bigger than ~ 1/4 of a machine’s worth of data). This is because it’s now impossible for the scheduler to find an allocation of blocks to machines where a large fraction of your list accesses don’t require you to cross a machine boundary.

As a result, you’ll get the best performance if you can organize your program so that list accesses are “cache local”, meaning that when you access one part of a list you tend to access other parts of the list that are nearby in the index space.7

  1. We consider this to be a performance defect that we can eventually fix. However, some of these defects will be easier to fix than others. 2 3

  2. e.g. the following code

    class X:
        def f(self):
            return 0
    x = X()
    print x.f()
    # modify all instances of 'X'
    X.f = lambda self: return 1
    print x.f()
    # now modify x itself
    x.f = lambda: return 2
    print x.f()

  3. we expect to be able to fix this over the long run by identifying cases where we have an inordinate number of types and moving to a collapsed representation in which we don’t track all the possible combinations.

  4. another performance optimization we plan for the future will be to recognize the difference between small and large lists, and generate a faster implementation when we recognize ahead of time that lists are going to be small.

  5. something we can fix, but not currently scheduled. Let us know if you need this.

  6. For instance, 10e30 + (-10e30) + 10e-50 is not the same as 10e30 + ((-10e30) + 10e-50)

  7. In the future, we plan to implement a “streaming read” model for inherently non-cache-local algorithms. Essentially the idea is to use the same simulation technique that we use to determine what your cache misses are going to be, but instead of using them for scheduling purposes, we will actually fetch the values and merge them back into the program. In a good implementation, this should allow for a very low per-value overhead scattered value read.